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How To Make Money Online | How To Make Money Fast | How To Make Money Online For Beginners | Real Ways To Make Money From Home

How To Make Money Online

Get your heads around the fact that there is currently a trend of self-employed people making money online and you are soon to realize why! I went on a job hunt and I thought that income alone would help me out. I used to get so frustrated with getting a job, there was so much red tape, paperwork, interviews, and paperwork for no worthwhile reason.

I thought this will help me a lot so I decided to join a search engine optimization company which I was excited about. As soon as I joined the company I realized there was no money to be earned and that was a huge shock to me. I felt trapped, I was unsure if I would ever make money. I needed to be asked a couple of basic questions, as I worked my (usually) 9-5. I was presented with so many interview questions at the start that I had to go through them all. It felt uncomfortable to answer from the nerves I get when I interview. I am not good at sitting still for long periods, I get easily anxious.

After a few months in the company, I was introduced to a beautiful lady who encouraged me to apply for a new position. Now, this was a hugely good feeling. So I applied. There are so many questions on the application form that say please write answers that best describe you. I only had 10 minutes before the recruitment process starts and my nerves were wanting to come out. Now I knew I would be interviewing and they would be judging what they saw. To make the worst situation worse, the first interview got canceled, but my thoughts kept streaming up my head. I decided that instead of the interview, I would do the resume next. They said that your resume is what they are most interested in seeing, so what would be better than watching yourself on tape and answering their questions back to them. I have seen movies and TV shows where a character had to answer a series of questions with written questions. I thought I would be interviewed first, so I took the time to write out the questions.

As I am working in the IT industry so I asked my manager to take a look at some of my self-written questions. She told me to go write for 10 minutes. I walked over to the printer next, the printer was already set up and ready for me to start. I got to write my questions and take them out by placing them in the red and white folder I had with me. I jotted down my answers on the back of my notebook. In the folder, I had added two ready-written questions for me to answer but there were two others I had not written down yet, so I wanted to write down the question before I started answering them on tape. My mind was racing. I wanted to know all the answers because I felt that if I got the correct answers I would have a chance of being selected. I went back to the recorder a bit confused. I had written a very blank bunch of questions, that's why when I was interviewing I felt unsure about my answers. The first question was open-ended, you could write anything you want. I wrote that I would answer the questions in 10 minutes if they were open-ended. The second one was similarly open-ended. You could answer in 10 minutes, but also it would be 10 minutes if you got it right. I wrote in it "10 minutes". I did not realize how long my answers were going to be so it was useful to note down what I had answered correctly. I knew that if my answers would look good I would get selected. I left my answers in the folder and headed to the appointment!

Thank you, I was having a very good interview. I felt more relaxed and calm. The first part of the interview I was worried about was how I would present myself. I worked in the IT industry, so in the last few years, I have worked in a relatively male-dominated work environment. I went in with the idea that I would miss the chance to present my work socially. Luckily I didn't experience this and I was very pleased. I later discovered that I had been smart and asked questions before I started to answer. The interviewer expected to see my work, but I was able to present myself well, so the interview went off smoothly. As it turns out, I got selected. The rate of recruitment is high and the people who get through are phenomenal. My daughter came to meet me at the end of the interview, I have no idea how she was listening to a Scottish guy presenting himself on the mic.

It will be great if you can start your journey online and get to work. You will feel comfortable and confident making your first sales. I was hired within six months.

1. Describe yourself. Who do you think you are?  are your hobbies?

I am an Excel graphic designer at his amazing company of shops. I plan to promote the business to as many people as possible.